P.O. Box 217, Brightwaters, N.Y. 11718

adopted March 7, 1990,

amended January 3, 2006, April 3, 2006,

October 2, 2006, April 6, 2009,

November 7, 2011, and November 7, 2016,

February 6, 2017 and September 1, 2023



Section 1: This organization shall be known as the South Shore Waterfowlers Association, Inc.



Section 1: The objective of this association shall be the promotion of better waterfowling conditions on Long Island and the surrounding waters of New York State.

Section 2: The objective shall be carried out through:

A. The study of, the assistance in, and the production of better waterfowl feed, both artificial and natural;

B. The analyzing of the shooting seasons for the purpose of selecting and creating conditions conducive to the taking of the daily bag limit throughout the season;

C. The education of all interested youth in the sport of waterfowling;

D. The encouragement of the use of retrievers and tenders for the elimination of loss of cripples;

E. Advocating gentlemen-like conduct and true sportsmanship both in the manner of taking birds as well as toward fellow gunners;

F. The prevention of needless driving of rafted birds;

G. The discouragement of the practice of out-of-range shooting and socalled "flock shooting"

H. Advocating cooperation with State and Federal Conservation Agencies including their law enforcement officers in an effort to obtain their cooperation with this Association:



Section 1: Regular membership is open to all persons eighteen (18) years of age and older who agree with and support the objectives of the Association.

Section 2: There shall be a Junior Membership open to gunners who possess a valid NYS Junior Hunting License, subject to a minimum annual dues of $1.00, and they shall have no vote. After reaching the age of sixteen (16) years, any Junior Member who gives satisfactory evidence of maturity and responsibility may, at the option of the Board of Directors, be granted the rights of full membership, subject to full annual dues. Any such action by the Board of Directors shall be read into the minutes of the first meeting following such approval.

Section 3: A member may be suspended for a period or expelled for cause, such as a violation of any of the by-laws or rules of the Association, or for conduct unbecoming a sportsman or other actions prejudicial to the best interests of the Association. Suspension or expulsion shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors present at a meeting thereof, provided that a statement of the charges have been mailed to the member under charges at the last recorded address at least fifteen days before the final action is taken thereon. This statement shall be accompanied by a notice of the time and place where such action is to be taken. The member shall be given an opportunity to present a defense at the time and place mentioned in such notice.


Officers and the Board of Directors

Section 1A: The general management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall be constituted as provided in Section 4 below.

Section 1B: The everyday management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the officers of the Association (Henceforth known as the Executive Board)

Section 2: The officers of the Association shall consist of: a President, a First-Vice President, a Second Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers shall be known as the Executive Board. Any officer except the President may hold more than one office.

Section 3: Each officer shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.

Section 4: The Board of Directors shall consist of a maximum of the five (5) Officers listed in Section 2, a maximum of ten (10) Directors, all Past-Presidents, and a maximum of four (4) Advisors

Section 5: All Directors once elected, may continue to serve, at the discretion of the Executive Board, for multiple terms.

Section 6: All Advisors shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.

Section 7: All members of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to one vote when transacting business of the Board.

Section 8: The annual election of Officers, Directors, and Advisors shall be by ballot, and the majority of members voting shall be necessary for a choice. Exception: In cases where candidates are running unopposed, a simple show of hands shall be sufficient.

Section 9: The annual election meeting shall be held on the first Monday of April each year.

Section 10: In the case of vacancy in any Office or Directorship, such vacancy shall be filled by the prescribed election procedure at the next regular meeting.

Section 11: Any Officer or Director may be removed from office prior to the expiration of his/her elected term by means of the following procedure:

A. A written request for such action, signed by not less than fifteen (15) active members be submitted, prior to any regular meeting, to any member of the Board of Directors;

B. Such request be read at the first membership meeting following its submission;

C. All active members be duly advised of the request in writing before the next scheduled meeting at which time a ballot vote be taken of the members present;

D. A two-thirds majority of those members voting shall constitute removal.


Section 1: Standing Committees:

The following standing committees shall be appointed by the President at the regular April meeting of the Association subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

A. U.S. National Decov Show Committee

Purpose: To plan, organize and conduct the U.S. National Decoy Show.

B. Emergencv Fund and Waterfowl Assistance Program, which shall henceforth be known as the EFWAP. The committee shall consist of the 5 elected officers (known as the Executive Board) and/or their designees.

Purpose: To plan, organize and conduct activities which provide emergency Assistance to waterfowl when in times of population stress, and to address other SSWA Emergencies as they arise.

C. Legislative Committee

Purpose: To monitor proposed and enacted legislation (local, state & federal) which impacts on the objectives of the Association and plan, organize and conduct appropriate responses to such legislation.

D. Hunting Seasons Committee

Purpose: To formulate recommendations regarding waterfowl hunting seasons.

E Duck Boat and Duck Calling Contest Committee

Purpose: To plan, organize and conduct the annual duck boat and duckcalling contest.

F. Annual Banquet Committee

Purpose: To plan, organize and conduct the annual banquet of the Association.

G. Awards Committee

Purpose: To plan, organize and conduct the presentation of awards by the Association. Such awards will include the Conservationist of the Year Award and others deemed appropriate.

H. Program Committee

Purpose: Plan, organize and conduct programs at general membership meetings of the Association.

I. Wetlands and Environment Committee

Purpose: To monitor activities in the Long Island area which impact on our wetlands and environment and recommend and organize responses by the Association where appropriate.

J. Membership Committee

Purpose: To maintain records of membership, collect dues and organize and conduct activities by the Association related to membership.



K. Newsletter Committee

Purpose: To plan, organize and distribute the newsletter of the Association.

L. Audit Committee

Purpose: To plan, organize and conduct the yearly audit of all monies and accounts of the Association and its committees. This committee is empowered to hire professional assistance in the conduct of these accounts and monies where necessary.

M. Nominations Committee

Purpose: To draw up a list of nominations for filling all vacancies in the positions of Officers, Directors and Advisors of the Association and conduct the elections associated with the filling of such vacancies.

N. The Long Island Wetlands & Waterfowl League Committee

Purpose: To act as liaison between the Association and the Long Island Wetlands and Waterfowl League.

Section 2: Financial transactions of the U.S. National Decoy Show*** Committee and the Emergency Fund and Waterfowl Assistance Program Committee. These committees shall be responsible for the conduct of all financial transactions associated with their activities subject to final approval of the Board of Directors of the Association.

A. Any expenditure of monies from the Emergency Fund must be approved by a three-fourths majority vote of the membership, and can only be authorized to a maximum of $1,500 at any one time. If a Waterfowl Assistance Emergency is so immediate in nature, then the Executive Board (Committee), by UNANIMOUS vote only, can authorize a temporary expenditure. This expenditure cannot exceed $500, without prior approval by a vote of three-fourths majority within the general membership.

B. Anytime EFWAP Funds are used for a declared emergency it is the responsibility of the Executive Board to replace those funds as soon as possible. This should be done by conducting fund raisers, accepting donations and contributions, and assessing the membership (dues increase) if necessary. (The intent here is to maintain the Emergency Fund at a minimum of $7,000 so that any future SSWA Emergencies can be dealt with to the full extent that the Association is able.)

C. The Emergency Fund and Waterfowl Assistance Program is a dedicated fund which may accumulate to a maximum of $20,000. This amount will be considered its cap. Should additional monies accumulate (through contributions, interest earnings etc.) this additional money shall be deposited into the general fund.

Section 3: Any other committee appropriate to the needs of the Association may be appointed by the President subject to the approval by the Board of Directors.


Duties of Officers and Directors

Section 1: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to call special meetings whenever he/she deems it necessary or at the request of the Board of Directors, or at the request of five (5) active members in writing. It shall be his/her duty to appoint all standing Committees and to enforce the observance of the Constitution and By-Laws. He/she shall act as an ex -officio member of all Committees.

Section 2: The First Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the President's absence from meetings or in the case of the President's inability to serve.

Section 3: The Second Vice-President shall conduct meetings in the absence of the First Vice-President

Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a correct record of the proceeding of all meetings. He/she shall notify all members by card or letter of all meetings

Section 5: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep securely all monies of the Association. He/she shall receive all membership dues and issue a receipt therefore. He/she shall payout such funds on the orders signed by the President and himself. He/she shall keep a correct account of all monies received and paid out. His/her books shall always be open for inspection by the auditing Committee. He/she shall turn over his/her balance of funds to his/her successor in office.



Section 1: All Officers, Directors and Committees shall serve without pay.



Section 1: The Executive Board has the authority to assess the dues each year. The dues for the 2006-2007 sporting season shall be $25 per member. In subsequent membership years, the dues may be increased at the discretion of the Executive Board, but never more than a $1 per year average, and never 2 times, in two consecutive years. Dues for Junior Membership shall be one dollar ($1.00) annually. The SSWA official year begins on September 1st and extends to August 31st of the next year. By action of the Executive Board, the dues were again increased for the 2011-2012 sporting season, and are currently assessed at $30 annually. In September of 2016, dues were increased to $35 annually. In September of 2023, the dues were increased to $40 annually. All annual members must pay their dues on September 1st of each year, beginning on September 1st of 2009, in order to be considered in good standing. Those members whose dues are paid up for 2 years, will be required to pay dues on September 1st of 2010. Those members whose dues are paid up for 3 years, will be required to pay dues again on September 1st of 2011. Any new members who join after this amendment is approved will be required to pay dues again on September 1st of 2009. Hereafter, all membership renewals will revert back to the September 1st date.



Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for appropriating funds from the treasury sufficient to carry out the business of the Association. A reading of the expenditures shall be made at each general membership meeting.



Section 1: Any recommendation to affiliate this Association with any local, state, or federal organization, federation or association shall be presented at any regular meeting and after being presented, shall be referred to the Board of Directors. Should the Board find that the proposed affiliation would be in the best interests of the Association it shall be taken up under the heading of new business. It shall be voted on as a regular motion and a majority of those members present shall be necessary to approve such affiliation.

Section 2: Representation at any meeting of any Organization, Federation, or Association can be designated by the board of directors.



Section 1: An amendment to this constitution must be presented in writing at any regular meeting, and after being presented it shall be tabled until the next regular meeting when it shall be taken up under the head of new business. Such amendment shall then be considered. It shall be voted on as a regular motion and must be carried by three-fourths vote of the members present to become a part of the Constitution.




By unanimous vote of the membership at the regular meeting on April 3, 2006, this Amendment was passed calling for the establishment and maintenance of a LEGAL FUND as a benefit for its members.

Section 1

The Executive board must approve all expenditures from this fund on a caseby- case basis. This Fund will only be spent to support clear Hunter's Rights issues. Cases involving violations of DEC regulations or violations of State Law will not be considered.

Section 2

If the Executive board determines that a case should be supported, the member will be entitled to a free telephone consultation with a Sportsman's Attorney selected by SSWA. Additionally, if warranted, the Executive board may grant a one- time maximum subsidy equal to 1 hour of the attorney's fee, but not to exceed $250. Where more than one member is involved in the same case, but each member requires separate representation, each member will receive a free telephone consultation with a sportsman's

Attorney. Additionally, the Executive board may grant a one- time maximum subsidy of $500, to be divided equally among all of the members involved in the case. All such payments will be made directly to the Attorney. Ordinarily then, an individual member, or 2 members involved in the same case, may anticipate a maximum of $250 each towards legal support. Anytime there are more than 2 members involved, the maximum will be less than $250. (e.g. 4 members involved in the same case will only receive $125 per person)

Section 3

Whenever the Executive board approves an award from the legal fund, the details will be made public at the next general meeting.

Section 4

In the event that a case "drags on" and subsequent attorney's fees become a hardship for the individual, the individual member may petition the Executive board for further consideration. At that point, the Executive board must bring the issue and the circumstances of the case before the membership for a discussion. If the members wish to provide further monetary support for the case, it must be voted on by closed ballot. Under NO circumstances can the Executive board award any further monies from the fund, to the same individual, without first securing a ¾ affirmative vote from the membership.

Section 5

The Fund shall be started with at least $2,000 deposited in a dedicated "Legal Fund" account. This account must be interest bearing. The balance in this account will be reported by the Treasurer at the monthly general meetings.

Section 6

A separate Annual Fund raiser shall be dedicated to support this account.

Section 7

Whenever the funds in this account shall fall below $1,000, they will be immediately replaced to $1,000 by funds from the General Account. If the General Account does not have sufficient funds to Do this, a fundraiser will be initiated to replenish the Legal Fund Account. During any time that the fund is at $1,000 or below, the Executive board may not approve any expenditure from that fund without prior expressed approval from the membership. A 3/4th affirmative vote will be required.

Section 8

It may come to pass, that through fundraisers, interest earnings, and so on, the Legal Fund account surpasses the $5,000 mark. At that time, additional monies earned from fundraisers, contributions, or interest earned on the invested money, may be diverted to the general fund if the membership so wishes. This would then be accomplished by a 3/4th affirmative vote of the members. Under NO circumstances can money in the legal fund be diverted for other use as long as the account balance is below $5,000. If any member requests legal services a second time during the same hunting season (for different incidents,) any financial support for the second incident can only be approved by a direct 3/4th affirmative vote of the membership.


By unanimous vote of the membership at the regular meeting on November 7th 2011, This amendment was passed calling for a change in the name of the feed fund, and also creating a broader and more detailed description of the purpose of the fund. The feed fund has now become the Emergency Fund and Waterfowl Assistance Program (EFWAP) or Emergency Fund for short. All approved changes to the original language in the Constitution regarding this fund have been made in that specific section of the Constitution where the fund description appears.


By a vote of the membership at a regular meeting on November 7th, 2016, this Amendment was passed calling for a change in the cap of the Emergency Fund from $7,000 to $20,000. All approved changes to the original language in the Constitution regarding this Fund have been made in that specific section of the Constitution where the Fund description appears.



Section 1: Nine (9) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a Board of Directors meeting, and twenty (20) members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a general meeting of the Association. The Association will conduct a meeting on the first Monday of each month.

Section 2: In case a regular meeting shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be postponed for one week.

Section 3: The order of business shall be:

1. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.

2. Reading of the names of new members.

3. Secretary's report.

4. Treasurer's report.

5. Report of Standing Committees.

6. Report of Special Committees.

7. Communications.

8. Unfinished Business.

9. New Business.

10. General Discussion.

11. Adjournment.

Section 4: At a special meeting no business shall be transacted except that for which said meeting was called unless by unanimous consent.

Section 5: Nominations will be accepted from the floor for election of officers and directors in addition to the recommendations of the nominations committee.

Section 6: Robert's Rules of Order shall be followed throughout all meetings.

Section 7: No member shall be eligible for any Office or Directorship unless membership is paid in advance.

Section 8: Any member two (2) months or more in arrears in dues shall lose voting privileges until such time as the dues are paid.


By-Laws Cont'd

Section 9: Any member eight (8) months in arrears in dues shall be dropped from the membership roll.

Section 10: Notices of regular and special membership meetings shall be given by letters or postcards to all members.