Members Only - Sporting Clays at Peconic River Sportsman's Club
9:00 AM09:00

Members Only - Sporting Clays at Peconic River Sportsman's Club

  • Peconic River Sportsman's Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As we discussed at the February meeting several members have asked when we’ll have an opportunity to shoot the sporting clays course at Peconic River Sportsman’s Club.

A date has been set for Saturday, March 15th.

  1. Availability is on a first come first serve basis and squads will consist of 4 people, 1 of which will be a PRSC member.

  2. The cost will be $45 per shooter, if the squad chooses to have a golf cart the cost will be $55 per shooter.

  3. Your spot is guaranteed once you have paid in full, payment will be made in person at the SSWA next regular meeting on March 3rd.

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Wood Duck Box Cleanout at Southaven Park
9:00 AM09:00

Wood Duck Box Cleanout at Southaven Park

  • Southaven County Park Campground (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Members John Adams & Curt Matzinger, with the cooperation of Southaven Park, have organized a cleanout of the wood duck boxes. Plans also include adding 5 wood duck boxes which were previously purchased by South Shore Waterfowler’s Association.

For additional information or to sign up please contact Curt.

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7:00 PM19:00


  • South Shore Waterfowlers Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VFW POST 8300. 330 North Dunton Ave. East Patchogue.


We look forward to seeing you and hearing about your season. Topics that will be discussed will include preliminary results from our Waterfowler’s Volunteer Pond Survey.

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Waterfowler's Volunteer Pond Survey
to Jan 5

Waterfowler's Volunteer Pond Survey

Thank you to all who have volunteered their time to survey our local ponds.

By this time you should know what pond you’re signed up for. Please ensure that you fill out your worksheet and respond back to Craig Kessler by Sunday, January 5th. His email address is CKESSLERLIWHG@GMAIL.COM

He will compile some top line results and report the finding at our meeting on Monday, January 6th.

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8:00 AM08:00

SSWA 44th Annual Duckboat Show and Waterfowl Festival

Vendors interested in attending need to call Curt at 631-661-0379 to reserve a table, and get your check to him, vendors are placed in the order that checks are received.


To request an email with a vendor application click the button below.

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7:00 PM19:00

October SSWA Meeting

  • South Shore Waterfowlers Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VFW POST 8300. 330 North Dunton Ave. East Patchogue.

During this meeting Ron Sineo will present a recap of the Atlantic Flyway meeting that he recently attended. We’ll also firm up our plans for the 44th Annual Duckboat Show & Waterfowl Festival

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Cedar Point County Park Blind Dedication
11:30 AM11:30

Cedar Point County Park Blind Dedication

I am so very proud to be announcing the completion of the handicapped blind, located on Alewife Pond, at Cedar Point County Park in Suffolk County, NY. This is the 4th blind in the series of the 3 blinds previously completed at:

  • Southaven County Park, Blind 9

  • Penney Pond at Hubbard County Park in Flanders

  • Big Reed in Montauk County Park

  • Cedar Point County Park in East Hampton now makes the 4th

The guys out in Cedar Point erected this blind in record time, and they did such a great job. Thanks goes out to Nick, Mike and the crew who orchestrated this project. Many thanks to Freddie Graham who funded most of this project. We will meet at the check in station at around 11:30ish, then we will head over to the blind. We will dedicate the blind, get some food afterwards that I am providing and then head home.

I can’t believe that all 4 are completed. It seems like only yesterday that John Adams and I were in a blind at Southaven Park saying "It sure would be great to get Jean out here to see the park, hard to do that since she is in a wheelchair. Why can't we make a ramp?" That is the history of the birth of the Suffolk County Parks Projects.

Thanks to Riverhead Building Supply for their help, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for making sure it's done correctly. Mostly Nick Gibbons at Suffolk County Parks for pushing everythng through. Contact Curt at 631-355-6258 so he can get a food head count for that day.

See you there.


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