Cedar Point County Park Blind Dedication
Completion of the handicapped blind, located on Alewife Pond, at Cedar Point County Park in Suffolk County, NY was celebrated on November 14th. This is the 4th blind in the series of the 3 blinds previously completed at:
Southaven County Park, Blind 9
Penney Pond at Hubbard County Park in Flanders
Big Reed in Montauk County Park, blind #2.
Cedar Point County Park in East Hampton now makes the 4th
The guys out in Cedar Point erected this blind in record time, and they did such a great job. Thanks goes out to Nick, Mike and the crew who orchestrated this project. Many thanks to Freddie Graham who funded most of this project.
I can’t believe that all 4 are completed, it seems like only yesterday that Curt Matzinger & John Adams were in a blind at Southaven Park saying "It sure would be great to get Jean out here to see the park, hard to do that since she is in a wheelchair. Why can't we make a ramp?" That is the history of the birth of the Suffolk County Parks Projects.
Thanks to Riverhead Building Supply for their help, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for making sure it's done correctly. Mostly Nick Gibbons at Suffolk County Parks for pushing everything through as well as current and previously elected board members of South Shore Waterfowlers Association.
Additionally we would like to thank and recognize everyone who made the trip out to Cedar Point County Park in East Hampton for the dedication ceremony. Those individuals include:
SSWA Executive Board Members
Kate Sohm, President and her husband Ben
Curt Matzinger, Tresurer
John Adams, Secretary and his wife Michelle
Suffolk County Parks Department
Nick Gibbons
Jim Gasowski
Sandy LaFountain
Andrew Bennet
Stephen LaFountain (not in attendance but part of the project)
Mike Greaves
Billy Sickles (retired)
Mike Cunningham (retired)
Vivian Graham
John, Michelle & Marty McGalvin